A Tale of Aging: Knee Pain & Control-Freak Cleaning

Turns out 33 is old. Well, old enough to have a knee problem spring up out of nowhere even though I do exactly 0 heavy impact exercises. And would life be life if it didn’t happen when Aaron was out of town for a week? It’s always exciting to find out what will randomly go wrong while he’s gone. One time, the siding on our house just toppled off out of the blue. Like, the house just literally started falling apart. Oh oh, and that other time our fridge leaked all over our floors so we had to get brand new flooring when I was solo-parenting with a newborn for the first time. Haha! Good times. Good times. I guess I’ll take an old lady knee!

Enough complaining. It was only 3 tough days, and the pain probably wasn’t that bad. I’m just a big ole wuss. I think I’ve told you all this before, but there’s no such thing as the man cold in our house. My husband has never complained about anything a day in his life. Our house does experience that mom cold though, because I’m a pain in the butt and can’t handle even the slightest discomfort. I’m #blessed to be loved by my husband.

So, the point is I’m fine. My knee is fine. My children’s brains are slightly less fine because the knee really did a number on my whole plan to pair back on the screen time that began slipping into more than an hour a day these last few months. I could hardly stand up, so Cry Babies on Netflix got more airtime than it deserves. I almost started missing Cocomelon. Three days probably won’t have any lasting effects…right? Right. Tonight we’re going to the park after nap to put the pieces of their brains back together. I’m really working on not being mad at myself for my parenting fails that are in the past and instead just do better today. I’m terrible at that mindset, but hey! I’m trying!

My house is always the cleanest when Aaron’s gone, at least! I feel like it’s the one thing I can control, so the place looks great. I also throw away anything I can get my hands on as a coping mechanism when I’m solo-parenting, so Warren is down to owning 4 shirts total. May have overdone it, but no regerrrrts.

Anyway, not much to fill you in on this week other than the knee and the cleaning spree. The half marathon we’re not training for is a week from Saturday, so that’ll be an interesting report—if we survive. Also, we move to Florida in 6 weeks from today, and my brain is beginning to shut down. Or maybe it’s just taking a break from all the planning. Hopefully it’ll turn back on when we close on our house in 3 weeks. Lots on the horizon! Thanks for letting me get some of my manic energy on “paper.” Talk soon!

Shannon Leyko