Book Release: You're Completely Normal

It’s here!!!

Have you ever found yourself using the words “by now”? I should be married by now. I should be settled into a career by now. I should have already written the book, had the babies, and learned how to cook something other than boxed macaroni.

As a former Miss New York and current mom of two littles living in Alaska, I know what it’s like for life to go a bit sideways. By the time I was a 24-year-old college graduate working as a dancing banana in Times Square, I realized I should probably brace for more career curveballs than once envisioned. And relationships? Well, I was in all of them that never worked until, suddenly, I found myself engaged to a guy I’d only known for two months.

Dissecting the nine most prominent facets of life that can make even the most successful person feel off track—from parenthood to homeownership—I unpack the pressures of cultural uniformity and the inevitable departure from lofty personal timelines.

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