Little Jolts of Joy

This morning as I opened the blinds in our living room, I felt that dependable spark of happiness that jolts through me whenever I see the natural light flood into the room. Maybe this is what normal people feel when they make the bed…never say never— but that one hasn’t really stuck with me yet. Blinds? Yes. Bed? No. We all have room for improvement!

The point is that I started thinking about the little moments in my day that bring me a rush of happiness. What are things I do every day (or *almost every day) that I believe add to my overall sense of joy?

Because honestly— I feel pretty happy. I mean, I am exhausted all the time (raising kids ages 2, 3, and 5 will do that) and often get down on myself when I know I could be a better mom or wife or friend or member of society…but I’m also constantly growing. I am really happy with my life and who I am on a high level. When I do get down on myself or hard things happen, I’m able to bounce back. Or forward, I should say.

Since I decided to write down what helps me feel good, I figured I’d share that list here in case it offers ideas to any of you who are looking for more little jolts of joy in your own life! Here we go!

  1. Open the blinds

  2. Put at least one item in the donation bin (Most of you know by now that getting rid of stuff is my #1 hobby)

  3. Read a book

  4. Go on a morning walk

  5. Drink an at-home, healthy smoothie

  6. Funny ritual with husband (ex: He’s always brushing his teeth when I get out of bed, so I slap his behind really hard basically every morning on my way to the bathroom— it’s our first interaction of the day. Lucky him.)

  7. Read a book to my kids

  8. Eat lunch outside

  9. Do some form of laundry (I feel so responsible! And then am never overwhelmed with a ton to do at once)

  10. Touch base with a friend (even just an “I miss you” text, but I love to Marco Polo people, too!)

I could probably keep going (like “give someone a compliment”), but I feel like 10 things per day is a pretty solid starting point! Let me know if there are any you’d add to this list— pretty sure there’s no cap on joy!

Shannon Leyko