Subscribe to My Newsletter So I'll Love You Forever

Friends, Romans, Readers! I need your help.

The time has come to boost my email list. This is vital as I begin the publishing process for my book, and I’m being transparent here because HI HAVE YOU MET ME?? No pretenses around these parts. In order for literary agents to consider my book, I need literally thousands of you who are interested in my writing to become part of my newsletter family. Below this form, I’ll tell you what you’re in for!

Okay, so what can you expect? Periodically (at a low-annoyance rate), I’ll be sending out:

LINKS! Clickable happiness to make you laugh, feel warm and fuzzy, recommend the BEST products, or provide further insight to hot topics.

DIRECT & TACTICAL INFO! If you missed my last email to subscribers, you missed out on 10 easy meals to make with your family so you can stop pulling out your hair each time your husband asks what’s for dinner. You’ll learn specific ways to maintain a healthy marriage, how to find a brand new job, best practices for parenting, mental health, military PCS orders, buying a home, organization, and a bajillion other areas of life that require intention and attention.

HILARITY. If you’re into sagas and soap operas, I’ll be including very short— 100 word— story segments about my life that are sure to make you realize just how normal you are in comparison. Right now, we’re exploring the repercussions of my husband deciding to raise seven tadpoles. It’s riveting. Or should I say…ribbeting?

So join the party! It’s a good time. And I will owe you for life. LOVE YOU THANK YOU.

Shannon Leyko